Forum Discussion

Magda_Ch's avatar
Occasional Contributor
3 years ago


I would be grateful for information
Is there a gadget in Zephyr that I can use to present Cycles and defects in it?

  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    There are probably many gadgets you could use for this purpose.  For example, try the "Zephyr Scale - Test Execution - Test execution results (progress)" gadget, and use the Filter option of "Test Cycle" (then choose the test cycle(s) you want to report.  This will show a donut chart for the test cycle(s) you select, broken down by execution status.  If you want to focus on a particular status you can turn-off (click) the statuses you don't want to see, or...


    If you need something more specific, the filter option of Custom Query is even more powerful and you can add criteria from Test Cases, Plans, Cycles, or Executions.  In the example above where you don't want to view executions that have passed, you would add criteria into the Execution Result where it doesn't = Pass.


    Let us know if this info worked for you?

    • Magda_Ch's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Thank you for the information but that is not what I meant.
      I need to have a gadget on which I can show the status of Cycle and reported BUGs for specific cycles

      • MisterB's avatar
        Champion Level 3

        It's difficult to say without more information.  Are you looking for something like this?:


        Test Cycle 1 - % executed, %pass, %fail, etc.

        Bugs found (list of)

        Test Cycle 2 - % executed, %pass, %fail, etc.

        Bugs found (list of)