Forum Discussion

Werner's avatar
Occasional Contributor
4 years ago

How to lock a test cycle (mark a test cycle completed and no more allowed to be changed/executed)?

Is there any way to lock a test cycle after executions finished? Or set a test cycle into some "finally completed" state?

After completing/locking the test cycle any further changeds should no more be possible/allowed. Not any of the test cycles test cases should be changed. Not any new test run of a test cases should be allowed to be started. Not any change of test results of test case (and test steps) should be allowed.

Any idea how to achive that?

  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Hi Werner,


    It's not exactly what you're after - I haven't seen an option yet to prevent further executions on a Cycle - but maybe the test case Archive function could help?  Once a test case is archived it cannot be updated and therefore I'm assuming that if you archive all test cases in a Cycle, that Cycle is effectively locked.


    You can find out more about archiving test cases here: 

    Working With Test Cases | Zephyr Scale Server/Data Center Documentation (


    If you try it can you please let me know if it works - it might be something I use in the future.


    Thanks, Andy

    • Werner's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Hi Andy,

      I need locked test executions of all test cases assigned to the test cycle. It means for me: Not anymore changes allowed to result of execution of test cases by means of test step and test case status (FAILED/OK/BLOCKED, ...) as well as execution time. The test case content (description  and all its fields) needs to be locked within the test cycle to that version which was used in execution of test cases within the cycle.


      Archiving the test case does not help me as I still need the test cases for further future new test cycle instances. In future new test cycle instances the test cases may have got enhanced within new versions of test cases for example.

      Archiving we normally use just instead of deleting test cases completely. 


      Thanks for your help Andy!