Forum Discussion

sheparl1's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago

How to delete Test Execution instance - Zephyr Scale

In Zephyr Permissions, I have set up a couple of users (including myself) to have the permission to delete Test Executions.

(See image below)


But when viewing test cases/test executions, I don't see anywhere that I am able to delete an instance of a test execution.  How does someone delete a test execution (as is inferred by the setting of the above permission)

  • Thank you for this info.  I have verified this capability is that after starting a new execution on a test within a test cycle.

    With that said, this option doesn't appear to be available anywhere for a test that is NOT part of a test cycle.  Is that correct?  

    (Details: If I start a new test execution from within a Jira ticket for a test that isn't in a test cycle, it starts the new execution, but I don't see any capability to delete the old execution result).

5 Replies

    • sheparl1's avatar
      New Contributor

      Thank you for this info.  I have verified this capability is that after starting a new execution on a test within a test cycle.

      With that said, this option doesn't appear to be available anywhere for a test that is NOT part of a test cycle.  Is that correct?  

      (Details: If I start a new test execution from within a Jira ticket for a test that isn't in a test cycle, it starts the new execution, but I don't see any capability to delete the old execution result).

  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    I think that’s right according to how it’s structured in Zephyr Scale.  For test cases to appear in the test player to be executed by testers, the test cases are added into a test cycle.  Once a test case is executed from the test player (which is in the test cycle), it’s allocated a test execution reference.


    But maybe I’m misunderstanding something about your question as you mentioned executing from a Jira ticket?

  • sheparl1's avatar
    New Contributor

    Here is a ticket in JIRA that has zephyr test cases linked to it. 

    (These zephyr test cases are created from JIRA as we test an issue... not part of a planned test cycle)

    When I click the "start a new test execution" triangle above, I get to this screen:


    And then brought to this screen.  I can mark the test as executed (note that it is not in a test cycle at this point). But I cannot delete a previous test execution of this test case from anywhere.



    We can most likely work with this limitation, but I will need to highlight to stakeholders that this "delete test execution" capability is only allowed in certain test cases (those that are in a test cycle and have had a new test execution started). Before I do that, I wanted to get confirmation that I'm not missing some delete capability (before your original answer, I hadn't seen the trash can icon next to an execution result in the test cycle, so I wasn't seeing ANY capability to delete execution results).