Forum Discussion

Danda's avatar
New Contributor
19 days ago

Dividing test-cases/folders among multiple teams


is there a way to have different workspaces for different teams in a company? I've tried doing the filters - having different labels set on certain test-cases and then creating a filter for them, as you would in Jira. Is there something else? Maybe more forceful?

Please do let me know, if you've figured something out or if creating the filters is the only way.

With regards,


  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Hi Dan,

    In most projects I work on there are multiple teams, internal & external, working together.  I split my internal and external test cases into their own folder structure, and underneath that, split the functions.  Perhaps you could have a folder structure where each team has their own folder and tests?  You would then have team test cycles that match the folder structure and thus be able to report progress by team.

    If you could provide more information about your use case or what the end result would look like, I might be able to help more.

    Cheers, Andy

    • Danda's avatar
      New Contributor


      thank you for your response. I believe the folder structure will suit us best. I do think I'm trying to look for something that Zephyr Scale does not support - which are workspaces that would divide teams where the teams won't have such an easy time going into other teams folders.

      Thank you again.

      With regards, Dan