Forum Discussion

Vera's avatar
2 years ago

Cannot add test case to a test cycle


I have a trouble:

There is an error when adding test case to the cycle in Zephyr. The error says: "An unexpected error has occurred. Please try to reload the screen", but reloading page doesn't help.

When switch to the test player it displays the case with the message: "Start a new test execution", but it doesn't help either.

Trying to run the case separately without test cycle results into the message: "Oops! Something went wrong."

It seems there is some mistake with test data, but I can't figure out what exact this mistake is. I used the similar data on my other cases and it didn't lead to any errors.

What can be wrong with it? Does anyone know?

  • MisterB's avatar
    Icon for Champion Level 3 rankChampion Level 3



    It's difficult to say what might be causing this  I've not come across that issue in the scenario you're describing, but I have seen it on occasions and usually it's a temporary blip with the app.  I recommend you contact the support team here for help: SmartBear Support