Forum Discussion

mdollinger's avatar
New Contributor
2 years ago

Browser title is not meaningful

In the contrary to JIRA itself the title attribute of Zephyr Scale pages is not meaningful:

Instead of the according Testcase we only see "Zephyr Scale - ..." on all the tabs.

As a user I need to click through all the tabs before i find the one i need.


I wish you would follow the common standards and fill the title attribute with a meaningful information.

  • Hi,


    This is a good idea for the Roadmap, that we can vote on for inclusion in the product.  You can create the idea here: Roadmap Portal


    Thanks, Andy

  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    This is a good idea for the Roadmap, that we can vote on for inclusion in the product.  You can create the idea here: Roadmap Portal


    Thanks, Andy

    • mdollinger's avatar
      New Contributor

      Hi Andy,

      I already spent time to register and all to be able to submit this feedback.

      Sorry, but have not got the time to now make myself familiar with your portal.

      Would be happy, if you can take this forward …

  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    I understand.  We're all busy, right 🙂.  Just so you know, you're actually registered on the Community Forum, where like-minded and friendly users like me provide help based on their experience.  I don't actually work for SmartBear, and if you want support from them you'll need to use these links:


    SmartBear Support Team


    SmartBear Roadmap (idea generation)


    Best of luck!

    • mdollinger's avatar
      New Contributor

      Now i did so and registered again and put it to the roadmap.

      However, afterwards i found some "new ideas", but mine i could not find at all.
      Probably accidentally I even posted it twice ...


      So in the end I had to struggle through the systems and mails,  registered twice and finally do not know, if this topic arrived.

      And all for something standard, which should be so self-evident as getting also four wheels when i buy a car ...