Another useful option, if you are viewing or sharing many reports, is to give your reports an actual title that describes what you're seeing. That way you could quickly move through all open reports without naming the tabs. The report titles are also persistent because they are contained in the URL, which you would save as a Bookmark.
You can do this by copying the report URL into a text editor, and overwrite the part where you find the text "title=".
For example, to rename the Test Execution Results (List) report to "All Fails and Blocks Without Issues", you would amend as follows:
Before: ...&title=Test%20execution%20results%20(list)&...
After: ...&title=All Fails and Blocks Without Issues&...
Zephyr Scale will accept the above 'after' version and convert to the correct syntax of: ...&title=All%20Fails%20and%20Blocks%20Without%20Issues&...
If you wanted to show an ampersand (&) instead of "and", you'd need to type "%26" as that character, and as the ampersand would be surrounded either side by a space, " & " would be typed as "%20%26%20". The title would then look like this:
Remember to save your new URL as a bookmark!