6 years agoNew Contributor
Zephyr for Jira upgrade 5.x search criteria for labels are not found
We recently upgraded our Zephyr for Jira version to and now our users are unable to find their test cases with the Zephyr for Jira search filter below. It appears labels are not all showing up in the Zephyr search criteria however when searching within Jira search criteria the test cases are shown. Jira reindex and Zephyr hard re-index has been done but still issue exist. Anyone come across this issue after upgrading their Zephyr for Jira to 5.x?
project = "ECOMM" AND fixVersion = "Release 2.11" AND cycleName in ("UAT Cycle 1") AND labels = eComm_Production
should find 111 test cases, finds 0
we have validated there is data in the fields