Forum Discussion

FrancinieA's avatar
New Contributor
8 hours ago

Zephyr Enterprise Import Issue: Folders and Subfolders Not Creating

Hello community! I'm having trouble importing test cases into Zephyr Enterprise, specifically when it comes to creating folders and subfolders. I've followed the instructions in the SmartBear Support documentation, but the import isn't working as expected. I'm using Zephyr Enterprise. In my Excel file, I've formatted the column containing folder and subfolder information as follows: NewTC2, as suggested in the documentation. Could you please provide some guidance on how to ensure that the import process correctly creates the desired folder structure? The issue is that when I do something like this in the excel document. Test Case 1 high dialogs NewTC1 and Test Case 1 high dialogs NewTC2. The result is not the expected because instead of generate this: NewTC Folder, TC1Sub-folder, TC2Sub-folder. The actual result is that only add the TC2 as sub-folder for the NewTC folder, and the TC1 is created a New Folder. NewTC Folder, TC2Sub-folder, TC1Folder. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, community!

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