Forum Discussion

richard619's avatar
Occasional Visitor
4 years ago

Include Alternatetestcaseid while creating testcase using RESTApi


i just want to create a testcase with alternatetestcaseid but while creating the TestCase alternatetestcaseid is omited, please find the request and response body below


Request Body


  "testcase": {
    "requirementIds": [],
    "customProperties": {}
Response Body
"id" : 775574,
"tcrCatalogTreeId" : 349431,
"revision" : 0,
"stateFlag" : 0,
"lastModifiedOn" : 1625643652180,
"versionNumber" : 1,
"createDatetime" : 1625643652180,
"createdById" : 719,
"modifiedById" : 719,
"testcase" : {
"customProperties" : { },
"customProcessedProperties" : { },
"id" : 372605,
"name" : "name6",
"description" : "name6",
"lastModifiedOn" : 1625643652172,
"creationDate" : 1625608800000,
"createDatetime" : 1625643652180,
"tcCreationDate" : "07/07/2021",
"creatorId" : 719,
"lastUpdaterId" : 719,
"automated" : false,
"releaseId" : 1135,
"customFieldProcessed" : false,
"customFieldValues" : [ ],
"testcaseSequence" : {
"seqNumber" : 378702
"testcaseId" : 378702,
"versionNumber" : 1,
"projectId" : 47,
"testcaseType" : "ORIGINAL",
"requirementIds" : [ ],
"requirementIdsNew" : [ ],
"automatedDefault" : false,
"testcaseShared" : false
"projectId" : 47,
"releaseId" : 1135,
"isDerivedFromBDD" : false,
"orderId" : 1204423,
"maxVersionNumber" : 1,
"orderIdUI" : 61,
"projectIdParam" : 47,
"original" : true
can you please help me in including the tetcasealtid