The build agents need:
- TestExecute (the runtime engine for TestLeft tests),
- your compiled test,
- the appropriate test runner (MSTest, NUnit or,
- .NET Framework 4.5+,
- an interactive user session (it can be started by using the SessionCreator utility).
TestExecute is licensed using a floating model, meaning you can install it on any number of build agents, but only N instances can run at a time, where N is your licensed number of seats. You'll need to install the license manager somewhere on your network, and your build agents must have access to the license manager PC.
The TestExecute version must match your TestLeft version, e.g.:
TestLeft 2.1 - TestExecute 12.1
TestLeft 2.0 - TestExecute 12.0
Also note that when you compile your test, you get multiple files in the output:
- your.test.assembly.dll
- SmartBear.TestLeft.dll
- SmartBear.TestLeft.WebApiWrapper.dll
- RestSharp.dll
- ...
You need to copy ALL of these files to your build agent.
Also check the links in Alex's answer for info on how to start the REST server, use SessionCreator, etc.