When selecting a list, the lowest list is selected.
When selecting the combo box, the bottom list is selected without selecting the specified item.
Test Complete Version :
Test Complete Log
The combo box item ' 중소형 상품기획담당' was selected. 10:01:27 Normal 0.00
Web Selected:
"중형 사업총괄" Selected.
* The patched content below is the same as the phenomenon
Patch bug fixes (minor release 15.51.18)
We have fixed an issue in version where the ClickItem method would occasionally fail to select the specified item during playback. This update ensures that items are selected consistently, improving the overall user experience.
We have resolved an issue where the WaitAliasChild method failed to return the expected object during test replay, resulting in null values instead of the actual property values of the existing object. This bug has been fixed, ensuring accurate object inspection and retrieval during testing.