Forum Discussion

dhanapal1's avatar
14 years ago

Web cell properties are not getting displayed.


I try to get the cell property unable to succeeded please anyone help me how to get the value of innertext property of Cell.  I tried in below ways.

Trial 1

 function Test1()


var iexplore;

var table;

table = iexplore["pageMiserBa"]["frameThisapp"]["frameMainframe"]["formTheform"]["tableFieldstable"]["cell"]["panelDiv1"]


table["cell041111"]["Click"](30, 8);

table["cellCx"]["Click"](6, 11);

table["cellRwfpNetChange"]["Click"](37, 11);


table["cell113888991"]["DblClick"](31, 13);

table["cell638988551855"]["Click"](12, 15);

var i, j, Cel1;


for (i = 0; i< 5; i++)


    Log["AppendFolder"]("Row " + i); 

    // Goes through cells

    for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)


    // Obtains the cell 

    Cel1 = table["Cell"](i, j);

    // Posts the cell's text to the log

     Log["Message"]("Cell " + j + ": " + aqObject["GetPropertyValue"](Cel1, "innerText"));






 Trial 2

var proValue, actValue, w, arraylen;

    // w= new Array();

    // Creates arrays of property names and values

    proValue = new Array("ObjectType", "RowIndex", “ColumnIndex”);

    actValue = new Array("cell", 4, 4);


    // Searches for the linknode select that item

    w = table["FindAllChild"](proValue, actValue, 2);

     Log["Message"]("Message: "+w["InnerText"]); 

3 Replies

  • Hi

          I had gone through this thread and html table parsing.  I am asking doubt from that article only.  I am not getting the value for cel1.innerText value.  pls help me in coding part.  Verify the coding wheather i did any mistake in coding part. whenever I try to display it shows undefined or some time it will be blank.

    var i, j, Cel1;


    for (i = 0; i< 5; i++)


        Log["AppendFolder"]("Row " + i); 

        // Goes through cells

        for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)


        // Obtains the cell 

        Cel1 = table["Cell"](i, j);

        // Posts the cell's text to the log

         Log["Message"]("Cell " + j + ": " + aqObject["GetPropertyValue"](Cel1, "innerText"));

        Log["Message"]("Cell " + j + ": " + Cel1["innerText"]);






  • Hi,

    What innerText value of this cell do you see in the Object Browser? According to images you posted, some cells don't have text, and it is correct that you get empty values when you address their innerText.