Forum Discussion

dyoakum's avatar
New Contributor
10 years ago

Wait Window Using VBScript - You're Help example doesn't appear to work

Found an example in Help that tried to explain how the Wait Window function operates

only the example in vbscript doesn't appear to work on our 10.3 version.

It is under "Waiting for an Object, Process or Window Activation" when searching Help.

in TestComplete.

This looks like it would be helpful if I could get it to work.

Sub Test

  i = 0

  Set p = Sys.Process("Notepad")


    Set w = p.WaitWindow("*", "Open", -1, 5000)

    i = i + 1

  Loop Until (w.Exists And w.VisibleOnScreen) Or (i > 10)

  If Not (w.Exists And w.VisibleOnScreen) Then

    Log.Warning "Window not found."


    Log.Message "Window was found."

  End If

End Sub

Also, we're seeing an unusual number of errors that report the window doesn't exist, but the screenshot shows that the window appears in the picture.

Please advise.


Richard Y.