Forum Discussion

NisHera's avatar
Valued Contributor
5 years ago

Wait timeout problem

I need to look for pariculer window and if not visible click something.

Wrote following code in python...........


    if not runAll.WaitAliasChild("Payrun_PayItems", -1).Exists:
      runAll.tvMain.wChildView[0].wChildView[0].ClickCell(0, 0)
      if not runAll.Payrun_PayItems.WaitProperty("VisibleOnScreen",True,0):
        runAll.tvMain.wChildView[0].wChildView[0].ClickCell(0, 0)

I was suppose to waite in brown line for 100 milli sec ..but waiting for 30 sec 

suppose to immidiatedly responce at green line but waite for around 15 sec


what is the problem...?


when debugging I could immidetely see values are there

this is a delphi desctop application.....

  • Try to disable option Tools|Options| Engines|NameMapping|Search for visible objects first.

    I think it could help.

1 Reply

  • Bobik's avatar
    Frequent Contributor

    Try to disable option Tools|Options| Engines|NameMapping|Search for visible objects first.

    I think it could help.