Forum Discussion

seenamathew's avatar
Occasional Contributor
15 years ago

Validate data using testcomplete


I am currently testing an application using testcomplete. Before running the tests, I need to validate certain data in some screens on the application are correct like for example, I have a form with several tabs.I should check if these tabs have the certain values in each of the textbox and all the required checkboxes are selected,All the grid values are same etc. Also i need to select certain grid values which shows up another set of data against which also validation are to be done.

Is there any data validation way in testcomplete to check each of this tab data and grid values etc?


  • seenamathew's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Thanks for the help. I tried using object checkpoints. It shows object compare failed or passed.Is there any way to know which values/properties have changed. I tried using Objects.LastError but if 2 controls properties have changed it shows only the last changed value.

  • Hi Seena,

    Object checkpoints display detailed information on differences in the Remarks Log panel in TestComplete 8, actually. Also, please make sure you have the ReportDifference parameter equal to true (that's the default value).

  • seenamathew's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    I have set the reporting difference parameter to true. But it does not still give me a detailed log. Is this supported in TC 7.2? This is the code I am trying

    set objContract=Aliases.Sys.CallIntake.frmContract_Maintenance

    set w=objContract.uicSplitContainer.SplitterPanel.uicContractTabControl.uicScreeningCriteriaTabPage.uicSelectionCriteria.uicMainPanel

    If Not Objects.Compare(w,"ScreeningCriteria",True,1) Then

        Log.Message "Properties have been changed."


        Log.Message "Properties r same."

    End If

    Is this correct?

  • Hi Seena,

    Detailed reporting appeared in TestComplete 8. In TestComplete 7, you can implement the needed comparison logic manually or use a number of property checkpoints instead of a single object checkpoint.