Forum Discussion

m_essaid's avatar
Valued Contributor
11 years ago

Using the CDO SendMail functions without attaching files


I use the following help to send a pdf :

It works pretty well when i have a file to attach. But in some cases i have to not send any files.

I tried to modify this appeal of the mail function :

SendEmail("", "", "Subject", _

             "Message body", "c:\File1.txt,c:\File2.txt,c:\File3.txt")

by putting '' or nil but in the first case it attach an empty file, in the second case it don't execute the script.

Any help please ?

  • It's a little strange that the SendEmail is attempting to send an attachment if there are no files to attach.  Maybe you need to modify the SendEmail script a bit...

    Currently, in JScript, we have this section:

        for(i = 0; i < aqString.GetListLength(mAttach); i++)

          mMessage.AddAttachment(aqString.GetListItem(mAttach, i));

    It seems that, if GetListLength is 0, it will still attempt 1 iteration through the for loop (i from 0 to 0).  So, what if we put, before the for loop, some if/then logic.  Like so:

    if (aqString.GetListLength(mAttach) > 0)


    for(i = 0; i < aqString.GetListLength(mAttach); i++)

          mMessage.AddAttachment(aqString.GetListItem(mAttach, i));


    That way, if the mAttach parameter is empty, it won't even execute the for loop.

    See if that works for you.
  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor
    It's a little strange that the SendEmail is attempting to send an attachment if there are no files to attach.  Maybe you need to modify the SendEmail script a bit...

    Currently, in JScript, we have this section:

        for(i = 0; i < aqString.GetListLength(mAttach); i++)

          mMessage.AddAttachment(aqString.GetListItem(mAttach, i));

    It seems that, if GetListLength is 0, it will still attempt 1 iteration through the for loop (i from 0 to 0).  So, what if we put, before the for loop, some if/then logic.  Like so:

    if (aqString.GetListLength(mAttach) > 0)


    for(i = 0; i < aqString.GetListLength(mAttach); i++)

          mMessage.AddAttachment(aqString.GetListItem(mAttach, i));


    That way, if the mAttach parameter is empty, it won't even execute the for loop.

    See if that works for you.
  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi Mehdi,


    If you do not need to attach files at all, you may consider modifying the SendEmail function by removing the code that adds attachments.


  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor
    What script code language are you using for your coding?

    As it is, if you don't want to send a file, you should be able to just do:

    SendEmail("", "", "Subject", "Message body", "")

    The empty string for the attachments should return a string length of zero and end up with an empty set of attachments.
  • m_essaid's avatar
    Valued Contributor
    Hi Robert,

    I'm using a Delphi like script to test a Delphi program.

    When i put '' (quotes-quotes) at the attachment location it sends a file with a few bytes (less than a kb) with the mail.

    Could I avoid that ?

    Thank you,

  • m_essaid's avatar
    Valued Contributor
    Hi Tanya,

    Unfortunatly I have to keep this parameter, because if the test fails it sends a PDF file via email, and if not it should not send any file, just an email.

  • m_essaid's avatar
    Valued Contributor
    Hello Robert,

    That's what i've done in delphi script and it work pretty well thank you very much.

        if(mAttach <> '') then


          aqString.ListSeparator := ',';

          for i := 0 to aqString.GetListLength(mAttach) - 1 do

            mMessage.AddAttachment(aqString.GetListItem(mAttach, i));


  • mgroen2's avatar
    Super Contributor


    I try to use CDO, in VB Script. Send the mail via outlook server.


    I copied the example from here  but for me it's unclear where to enter mail settings, in the file. Did try some input fields and when I run the script, the output is "Mail is sent successfully", however no mail is received (also not in spambox).

    Maybe serverport is wrong or the wrong smtp authentication (what does 1 mean? 2 ? )?


    Here is the code I use (I used outlook username and password):



    Function SendEmail(mFrom, mTo, mSubject, mBody, mAttachment)

    Dim i, schema, mConfig, mMessage

    On Error Resume Next

    schema = ""
    Set mConfig = Sys.OleObject("CDO.Configuration")
    mConfig.Fields.Item(schema + "sendusing") = 2 ' cdoSendUsingPort
    mConfig.Fields.Item(schema + "smtpserver") = "" ' SMTP server
    mConfig.Fields.Item(schema + "smtpserverport") = 25 ' Port number
    mConfig.Fields.Item(schema + "smtpauthenticate") = 1 ' Authentication mechanism
    mConfig.Fields.Item(schema + "sendusername") = "USERNAME" ' User name (if needed)
    mConfig.Fields.Item(schema + "sendpassword") = "PASSWORD" ' User password (if needed)

    Set mMessage = Sys.OleObject("CDO.Message")
    mMessage.Configuration = mConfig
    mMessage.From = "testrunner"
    mMessage.To = "m.groen@BLABLA.COM"
    mMessage.Subject = "test message"
    mMessage.HTMLBody = "this is a test message!"

    aqString.ListSeparator = ","
    For i = 0 To aqString.GetListLength(mAttachment) - 1
    mMessage.AddAttachment aqString.GetListItem(mAttachment, i)


    If Err.Number > 0 Then
    Log.Error "E-mail cannot be sent", Err.Description
    SendEMail = False
    Log.Message "Message to <" + mTo + "> was successfully sent"
    SendEMail = True
    End If
    End Function

    Sub MainTest
    If SendEmail("testrunner_dp@BLABLA.COM", "m.groen@BLABLA.COM", "Subject", _
    "Message body", "c:\a\File1.txt") Then
    ' Message was sent
    ' Message was not sent
    End If
    End Sub