Forum Discussion

mikev's avatar
13 years ago

User Donated Functions

Is there such a place for them?  It would be great if there was a place that we could go and look at other code that people wrote to solve testing problems.  I'd have no problem placing code in there if it exists.  If there isn't, what does everyone think about asking SmartBear to provide such a place?

5 Replies

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor
    I had a conversation with smartbear staff over the phone late last year where we discussed such a thing.  I think it's a great idea, actually.
  • Hi,

    Currently, we have the How To section in our Support portal. We can add your scripts there (under your name), and if you want to, we can post your contact information there.

    Please let me know what you think about this.

  • Irene,

    That looks fine, but IMHO I think it would be better suited to the forum.  Most people (I think) come here first to look for things that they need help with.  I know I'd really like a section where I could go and at least look at code that someone else wrote that they are willing to share to the rest of us. I'd be more than happy to share some of my code as well.   Based on the responses to this thread though, it appears that only Robert and I are interested.
  • Mike,

    Actually, we like your idea, and we are considering implementing such a resource. Probably, if we make it available, more people will want to share their code, not only you and Robert. I will keep you informed about this - please keep an eye on this thread.

    In the meantime, besides the How To section, I can suggest that you write to the SmartBear blog:

  • Thanks Irene.

    If anyone wants to share some JScript code that manipulates PuTTY, that would be jut fine with me!  :)