Forum Discussion

Andrew_x's avatar
15 years ago

use a variable as the expected text in a Property Checkpoint for a Keyword test?

When adding a property checkpoint in a keyword test, how can you use a variable as the value to compare (instead of a hardcoded value).

I've added a property checkpoint to my keyword test, and I want to have the expected value taken from a variable.  But the wizard for the checkpoint automatically puts quotes around my code calling the variable, therefore it takes the string literally instead of the value of the variable. 

NOTE: I can get this working in a script, but not in the Keyword test.

The way the code looks for the checkpoint is:

From Keyword Test: 

  • Aliases.Licence.LabelValue.Name, "wText", cmpEqual, "KeywordTests.VerifyLicence.Variables.AddLicence("Licence_Name")", False

From Script (Which works):

  • Call aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Licence.LabelValue.Name, "wText", 0, KeywordTests.VerifyLicence.Variables.AddLicence("Licence_Name"), False)

Notice the quotes around the portion where I'm attempting to use the variable in the keyword test checkpoint.

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    6 years ago


    While it's not available when going through the wizard, you can go back in after the checkpoint is created and set the "Value" property to be a variable.

6 Replies

  • Hi Andrew,

    When adding a property checkpoint in a keyword test, how can you use a variable as the value to compare (instead of a hardcoded value).

    Currently, it is not possible by default. I have added a suggestion to implement this ability to our DB. As for now, you can try calling the working code snippet using the Run Code Snippet  
  • "Currently, it is not possible by default.  I have added a suggestion to implement this ability to our DB."

    Is this still the case?  I notice this was posted over a year ago.  I'm using version 8.60.

  • AlexeyKryuchkov's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
    Hi Rich,

    At this moment, the suggestion has not been implemented yet. Your message has increased its rating.

    Please try using the workaround suggested by Andrew.
    • DSmachineWorld's avatar

      Eight or so years, and I'm guessing it's not implemented yet?

      • tristaanogre's avatar
        Esteemed Contributor


        While it's not available when going through the wizard, you can go back in after the checkpoint is created and set the "Value" property to be a variable.