Unexpected window message generating error and failing test
If someone can point what is happening here and how this can be fixed
I am testing desktop winform based app i am clicking a submenu item, on click a confirmation popup appears and yes button on confirmation popup is clicked, that is it.
When I run my function it works correctly AUT works correctly as expected yet Testcomplete logs as unexpected window error message
I am struggling to find why does it show this message
first it is not unexpected window, it is expected window second expected window is handled and closed , AUT works correctly and closes popup
yet it logs unexpected window could not be closed message
On menu click there is no other window appearing except confirmation popup which is expected
Here is my function
function ReleaseMF()
LogMessage( " after submenu release click")
PopupCloseWithTimeOut(popupQuestionCaption,btnYesPopup, 4000 );
LogMessage( " after popup has been closed");