Forum Discussion

sindhuja's avatar
Occasional Contributor
2 years ago

Unable to enter data into individual empty cell in the grid row_ Desktop SAP GUI application



I'm experiencing an issue when trying to insert data into individual empty cells in the grid row.

Tried with Down keys and navigation arrow keys but not working as expected.

Data is taken from excel.


Example: below is the screen, need to enter the data into individual cell.

while using down key, tab , and navigation arrow keys , it overwriting the existing data (on Previous cell)


overwriting the existing data:



--> Test Complete version 15.55

--> using keyword tests

--> using Desktop module for testing.

--> using Data Driven loop and the below excel screen shot approach is working as expected, but we have higher quantity data( 500 to 1k) serial numbers to enter into the grid row  it will be bit difficult to arrange the data.

 is there any other suggestions please? 





  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    That particular control may not support "using down key, tab and navigation arrow keys". Does it work if you were to do this manually?


    You should use the Object Spy tool to see what properties and methods are exposed, to see if there's anything that can be used to populate each row.

    • sindhuja's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      yes manually down key, tab and navigation arrow keys are working. 

      through testcomplete steps are recording filed number wise below is the example

      Name mapping: 


      while we are taking data from excel with dataloop, data is overwriting in the previous cell, because step is recorded with the first filed number.

      is there any option to edit the filed number in name mapping?? 


      tried with wildcard placing with "*"


      • sindhuja's avatar
        Occasional Contributor

        Tried with if then statement. if data is there within the cell, if there it then moves down to the next cell.


        but  it didn't work , is there any specific value to be added??





  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    See Using Wildcards. Your ObjectIdentifier value should be something like "ctxtRIPW0-SERNR*".


    TC will create Name Mappings for each UI controls and label them appropriately. If the labels are exactly the same and prefixed with a number, then you should be able to use wildcard.