Forum Discussion
pmartin66 wrote:
None of these schemes work correctly on TC 12 using Python... LAME
This thread is 2 years old... TC did not support Python back then. So, when importing these highlighting schemes, they only import the file extensions indicated at the time they were originally exported with which, at the time, did not include the Python extension (*.py).
Unfortunately, after importing one of these schemes, I cannot find how to add a new Language definition line. I tried adding just the *.py line item to one of the other languages but that didn't fix it for me. Perhaps that's something that TestComplete development folks can do?
EDIT: Check that... I was able to add the *.py to one of the existing code lines and it did update stuff. However, some of the Python specific reserved words (most obviously def) did not get any specifc syntax highlighting so there is still some level of "parsing" that is done to pull out the language syntax.
So, you'll still not be able to load these "old" schemes into TestComplete and have it work 100% with Python, but you can get some of it to work.
Even though it's two years old, let me add my scheme for those of you who are running TC12 and need something that includes the newer languages.
I call this "OgreDark". It's kind of a blend of a few of the other dark schemes that are up here already and a couple tweaks of my own. It's called "Ogre" because... well... ;-)
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