Testing MECM (formerly SCCM) console connectivity
Hi all,
I have a project suite that is dependent upon Microsoft's Endpoint Configuration Manager console completing connection to the MECM infrastructure in another country. Usually this takes about 30 seconds, however there are times it takes longer and this can abort the whole project suite on the very first step.
Is there a way to check, using vbscript, that the console loading process has completed before carrying on with the rest of the test suite?
ObjectSpy is indicating the different objects between the 2 states, loading & loaded.
Aliases.Microsoft_ConfigurationManagement.HwndSource_RibbonConsoleWindow.RibbonConsoleWindow.ConsoleFrame.WPFObject("ConnectingToServer", "", 1).WPFObject("Grid", "", 1)
Aliases.Microsoft_ConfigurationManagement.HwndSource_RibbonConsoleWindow.RibbonConsoleWindow.RibbonConsoleDisplay.WPFObject("HomePageOverview", "", 1)
Is there a script method to test for one or the other specific objects?
All help truly appreciated.
Seems like it would work like testing for any other object
This will tell you about using Wait to check for existence of an object