Forum Discussion

vlad230's avatar
11 years ago

TestExecute + Jenkins

Hi guys!

I'm trying to integrate Test Execute with Jenkins to test the UI of my .NET application.

I am using a slave machine which gets the project from SVN and afterwards, in the build step (which is not required for my app), I run a batch command which starts the test suite with TestExecute.

The issue is that after the batch command is executed, Jenkins says that the project is finished but in fact the tests are just starting to run and I don't know when the tests are finished or what is the progress of the test execution (~15h long).

I have two questions:

1. Is there any way in which I could keep the Jenkins "bullets" flashing until TestExecute finishes to run the test suite?

2. Is there any way in which I could write the progress (I already have a progress determination system setup) in Jenkins' console output while the test suite is running?

I really need to do this, so if you have any ideas please don't hesitate to post them.

Thanks a lot,


  • Hi Sergiu,

    I don't know the contents of your batch file, but hope that the following might help:

    start /wait "TestExecute" "<TestProject.pjs>" /testOptions

    (the /wait option should postpone batch execution until TestExecute completes)
  • It seems that even if I manually start and run a project and after it finishes I right click the TestExecute icon from system tray and choose "Exit" it's the same behavoir.... the process isn't closed although the icon is not present anymore in system tray.

    Strangely engough if I try to start TestExecute again, it says "TestComplete 9, TestExecute 9 or an applciation that uses TestRecorder 9 is already running".

    So, I guess it's a bug. Any ideas on how to go around this?



  • Is there also an active background process for the application you are testing?

    Maybe that's not closing properly and keeping TE active.
  • Hi Nick,

    That's not the case.

    My last test has a sequence which closes the app and if it's not closed in time, it terminates the process associated with the app.

    I've submitted a support request with SmartBear on this isssue and I'm curious if they can fix it.


  • jose_pita's avatar
    Super Contributor
    Hey Guys,

    Anyone knows how to terminate "testcomplete.exe" in a batch file?

    taskkill does not work with testcomplete, I guess it does not have permissions or something...

    Reason: Acess is denied

  • Jose Pita


    Hey Guys,

    Anyone knows how to terminate "testcomplete.exe" in a batch file?

    taskkill does not work with testcomplete, I guess it does not have permissions or something...

    Reason: Acess is denied

    I guess you have some permission issue with your windows user. I can kill testcomplete and testexecute normally without any effort. I always test my app with admin users. 

    The batch file looks like this:



    ::-- General functions-------------------


    :killProcesses  - Wait 3 minutes before killing all tasks


    echo Killing IE, Excel, TestExecute and TestCompleteService...


    timeout /T 180

    taskkill /im TestExecute.exe /t /f

    taskkill /im TestCompleteService9.exe /t /f

    taskkill /im TestComplete.exe /t /f

    taskkill /im iexplore.exe /t /f

    taskkill /im excel.exe /t /f
