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Hopsing's avatar
New Contributor
14 years ago

TestComplete With MS Dynamics CRM

Good Day

Say, I'm trying to get get TC to work with Microsoft Dynamics CRM for some regression testing. I can setup\record a test but playback fails. I'm just trying to open a link\entity in the left navbar of the system. Has anyone had any success with working with MS Dynamics that might have a hint.



2 Replies

  • Hi John,

    Most likely, you're having troubles with containers (such as panels) which lay between your application's main window and the control you're trying to work with. Try using Extended Find in your Name Mapping scheme to make TC address the target control directly and ignore all intermediate objects. See the "Using Extended Search Criteria for Mapped Object Identification" help topic for details.
  • srichart's avatar
    New Contributor
    I am working on regression tests for CRM also.  Some of the objects use the OID as criteria for namemapping.  If the previous reply doesn't work you may have to walk the namemapping tree and remove any references to the OID.