6 years agoOccasional Contributor
TestComplete switching between two windows applications
Hello, I am currently trying to automate one windows application which has one authentication module in it. when I launch my windows application, 1. firth thing it asks me is to enter serve...
- 6 years ago
NameMapping will certainly work.
But NameMapping is (just) a more convenient and manageable form of direct process and object referencing. So it is not required to stick to NameMapping/Aliasing (though it is a recommended way) and the following (pseudocode) will work as well:
var oMyDesktopProcess = Sys.Process(<YourDesktopApp>);
var oDesktopLogin = oMyDesktopProcess.Window(<LoginWindow>);
// perform login sequence
var oBrowser = Sys.Browser(<BrowserName>);
var oPage = oBrowser.Page(...);
// perform actions in browser
// etc.
// i.e. no special actions to switch between tested applications are needed with TestComplete