Forum Discussion

cmpenn's avatar
7 years ago

TestComplete slowing with each run after Windows 10 Creator's Update

After updating our test machine to the Windows 10 Creator's update, TestComplete is running progressively slower on each test run until a restart of the machine.

Why it's bad:
This is sometimes causing tests to fail, as timeouts are being tripped.

This is also causing our build times to creep up, especially when running the full suite of tests.

Investigation and Analysis:
Doing some testing, this is happening on all of the development machines as well, just not noticed as fast as those reboot more often.

Since we're using the TestComplete plugin for Jenkins, we've been able to dig into the history and noticed the time jumps only happening after the Windows 10 Creator's update. We've also been able to determine that a reboot of the machine resets the slowness, bringing running times back to normal.

We've held constant for changes in tests (adding or removing steps) as well, just to be sure.

We've also taken Jenkins out of the equation, running the tests using just TestComplete, and still having the same issue.

This appears to also be an issue with TestExecute, as we've tried both through Jenkins, and both have the slowdown issue.

We've upgraded to the latest version of TestComplete/TestExecute, and that seems to have kept the test times from increasing as fast, but we still have timeout issues after about 5-10 runs.

We're rebooting the machine regularly now, but it's causing issues with our build pipeline.

4 Replies

  • Hello

    We have the same problem on one of test machines.
    We are using Test Execute 11 for testing desktop .net application.


    This issue is marked as resolved, but I can't see the solution.
    How You solved the problem?

  • It was marked as "solved" because they told the guy to ask support.... kinda crappy behavior, IMO.

  • pyatakov's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Hi, when you run some function and during running it, you must clear all object BEFORE exit proc or function

    but WE HAVE another problem

    In AQA and now smartbear cannot correct explane - how work garbage collector.

    Even I destroy object - tc not care about eatting memory - after ten run, tc eat (on start 100mb) 400 mb.