Forum Discussion

mcaramto's avatar
New Contributor
20 days ago

Test Execution Summary is null

Anyone knows how to fix this issue? Test Execution Summary is showing null and 0 tests after I execute scripts from the Execution Plan. 

But when I export the logs, it is showing properly. 

  • tsand's avatar
    New Contributor

    Same for me with Version x64
    mcaramto did you created a ticket? Any response from Smartbear about that?

    • tsand's avatar
      New Contributor

      Just created a ticket and got quick response from the support team. It is the dark theme causing the issue. Switching to the light mode and the test execution summary is showing the correct counts. Just tested it and it works at my side.

      As temporary workaround they mentioned to downgrade to 15.67 what I just did and waiting for the fix.

  • jr348's avatar

    Same here.  Do you guys actually test  stuff before releasing.  Ironic a QA product is having so many issues. Was OK until  about 3 years ago but now its  becoming too unstable with critical issues and  we are looking  at  other  products.  Also noted this issue a few days old and has not  been fixed.  I have  logged  a ticket  but  thats another 2-3 days of delay.  Its  so frequent  it  is  impacting  our testing operations and new  test coverage.

    • JDR2500's avatar

      I tend to agree.  This and when they broke working with WPF controls a couple of months ago are major failures in quality control.

      The overseas support is also an issue.  There is always an overnight delay when getting responses back and forth with them.  It's disappointing for a product at this price point.

  • delink's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    I just updated TC to and I got the same issue now. The Test Execution Summary is empty after the update - even for pre-update test execution that previously displayed the results properly. This definitely looks like a TC bug.

    • delink's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      I just downgraded back to TC and the execution summary is displayed properly again for all executions. Definitely waiting for a fix here instead of creating a new project which is pretty inconvenient. 

    • mcaramto's avatar
      New Contributor

      thanks for replying. Yes, it's working for new projects. Is there a way this can be fixed for the current project that I have? I don't want to start a new project and move everything over, as my current project is big and very tedious to move over. 

      • rraghvani's avatar
        Champion Level 3

        I'm not sure if your configuration files are corrupted. You could create a new project, and then add all your existing files to that new project, but you may have to create the execution plan again.

        Or you could investigate to see which files have been corrupted, as the project files are XML based.