Forum Discussion

ThomasCasserly's avatar
Frequent Contributor
3 years ago

Test Complete 15 Service dominating CPU use

HI all, 


I am finding difficulty using TestComplete v15 at the moment, processor is being tied up by the TestComplete 15 service, using a min of between 70 and 80% of CPU for even simple things like editing a mapping. My system doesn't meet the recommended requirements, I have a single core AMD CPU with 8GB RAM and am aware that recommended with dual  core with 16GB RAM. 

So is my system the main issue  or has anyone else had CPU issues with the TestComplete 15 service??

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Ensure your OS has the latest patches installed, using the latest version of TC. Also, if you have antivirus installed, that could cause issues too.


    If none of the above work, and it doesn't meet the minimal system requirements, then most likely it is the system.

  • ThomasCasserly's avatar
    Frequent Contributor

    Updated to the latest version when prompted this morning. Update appears to have resolved the issue. Tescomplete15service.exe now no longer using massive % of processing power.