Forum Discussion

diegof's avatar
New Contributor
8 years ago

System date actualization

Hi all,


I have an issue to modify System Date time.  I need to modify for a scripts section, the Windows date. I could do it, but i need after this script section, to return at real time.


For example, if i need to set Today on system, I used a boolean True and if False, a hardcode date. First I hardcode the date and then i should set the real time date.


sub DateSystem(Today)


If Today = true then
   Log.Message "System date is: " & aqdatetime.Today

  day = aqDateTime.SetDateElements("2017", "05", "22")
  aqDateTime.SetSystemDateTime day
  Log.Message "System date is: " & aqdatetime.Today
End if

end sub


How can I return the System date to normal or real date/time?



6 Replies

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    What I would do is, before you set the date and time to your previous date, store the current date/time in some variable.  That way, you can always restore it when you need to.

    • diegof's avatar
      New Contributor

      I think about that, but the time that I can store would not be the same that the real time on that moment, because the scripts in the middle of the 2 date changes (first date harcode then actual date) take some time that I cannot get.






      • tristaanogre's avatar
        Esteemed Contributor

        What you might need to do, then, is grab the time portion and concatenate/add that to the stored date time for the current date.




        store aqDateTime.Today()

        Change to new date time

        check for date time change

        add stored date to current aqDateTime.Time()

        Change to the restored date