Simple test looking for a TextNode end up not finding it even if it is in the screenshot.
Hi, I made a KeywordTest that open a CHM file and search for a TextNode found in the right section and this test fail intermittently because it does not find the text, but the screenshot shows me that everything looks fine.
The Mapped object only have 2 properties, the ObjectType which is the TextNode and the contentText with the expected text with a wildcard (blabla.* to only search for the begining). The screen shot shows me the TextNode and it seem to respect the contentText, so I don't know what is going on. Am I missing something?
If a problem is intermittent, I usually start looking for a timing issue. To prove this out, you can put a long Delay between the open and the search and let's see if that cuts down the failures significantly. If that is indeed the problem, then we can work on a better way to handle the timing. Delay is easy to do but there are more elegant ways to implement it.
If that doesn't make the problem better, we'll try something else.