Forum Discussion

sakshi29's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

regarding recording web application using test complete

while recording with test complete web application where in i need to enter username and password,its recording absolutely properly but on playback i am getting the error on the username textbox that...
  • tristaanogre's avatar
    5 years ago

    The object does not exist error has nothing to do with whether or not it is mapped.  You're mapping is there... but the object itself either 


    a) doesn't exist YET in memory because the page still needs to render it or

    b) there are dynamic factors using in your mapping criteria so that, every time you run the automation the object has a different property value.


    a can be resolved by applying appropriate "wait" logic for the object before attempting to use it.

    b can be resolved by editing the mapping of the object and either adding wild-cards for the dynamic portions of the property or by choosing different properties as the identification criteria that don't have dynamic values.


    AS TanyaYatskovska mentioned, there are great tutorials in the help file and in videos available from SmartBear on how to do either of these.