Forum Discussion

jgoetz's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 years ago

Query database with VBScript help please...

Some help would be appreciated please.  I am trying to write a VBScript to query a database and return a result to the log, but I am having trouble getting the result back.  I am newish to VBScript s...
  • tristaanogre's avatar
    9 years ago

    Quick question: Is there a code language that you are familiar with? TestComplete offers several code languages in addition to VBScript so you might be able to find one that you can work with. Just a suggestion.

    As for your specific problem, you have EVERYTHING correct... except for your logging.

    The reason being is that you are sending the Qry object to your log rather than a data field from the query. This is why it is returning blank because there is no string equivalent for what you are sending.

    Instead, do the following: 

    Log.Message Qry.Field(0).Value

    Your SQL query you are sending is returning a data record set with only one column/field so you only need to return the value of the first field (index 0). That code should return to your log the value of the first field of every row in your result set.

    Let me know if this helps.

    FYI, if you type "Qry." (note the period), you should be able to get an intellisence/code completion window showing your options off of the Qry object. If not, after typing the period, press "CTRL-SPACE" and that should get you the same thing. BIG help if you're not familiar with the objects.