powershell JScript integration TC11 and winServer2012r2
Hi All
I'm new to testcomplete and I'm having problems getting powershell integration to work.
I've installed all the GACs with powershell and .NET4.5.X
I try the boilerplate examples:
But this line always fails:
PowerShell = dotNET.System_Management_Automation.PowerShell.Create();
With the error:
'dotNET.System_Management_Automation_PowerShell' is null or not an object
I can use the simpler version using WScript.Shell, but the most scripts contains unlimited regexp parsing:
PS C:\dist\ps> .\readlog.ps1 -server test1-back-01.bptest.local -filter "OTP:\s\d{4}.*\+474750055011" -last 1 -timing
C:\bps\log\trace\bpregcmswebappserver_trace_20151029153427.log:3012:8:: 2015.10.30 13:34:20,965: Engangskode / OTP: 0608 phone: +4750055011
Timing: 00:00:00.5328338
Morten Bjoernsvik, Oslo, Norway
In GAC list I finally found what I needed:
System.Management.Automation version and
I must say the GAC selector has a terrible UI, just a list of similar names and no filtering.