Forum Discussion

AndrewCast's avatar
6 years ago

Pop-ups being picked up as invisible even though they're not

Making the switch of an application from 32 to 64 bit and things are fine, except for the part related to "pop-ups" or any kind of menu item. 


For example, if I right click or click on FILE, a new window shows up.

If I go from KeywordTests and record, then it is picked up as appAfx2.

I rereun the exam same test, and it says window is invisible.


I use object spy with Point and Fix, and it shows up as appAfx2 again. 

When I conver to script and run again, it would still say it's invisible.


The keyword says "Member not found" while the script says:


The window is invisible and thus cannot be activated.

But it's right there :(


It worked on the 32-bit before, so this is odd. When I would use a region checkpoint, instead of picking up the appAfx2, it would instead pick up: appAfx.BCGPControlBar2 which is an entirely different branch. Is more information required? Any ideas on how to force it?