Forum Discussion

Alena_1's avatar
Occasional Visitor
6 years ago

Performance testing tool

Hi,  I'm looking for the performance testing tool  for executing testing both for web applications and desktop applications   So, what tool for the desktop applications'  & web applications' perfo...
  • AGubarev's avatar
    6 years ago



    It's actually depends on which kink of performance testing do you need.


    For load/stress tesing, you can use some SmartBear utilities (do not know which is more suitible for you): LoadNinja, LoadComplete, LoadUI. They are mostly for Web apps and API services.

    For Desktop app it's better to avoid creation the load from app UI and better to understand where the bottleneck can be. So, if it's client which connects to some database it's better to create load on database with some tool (JMeter for example). If it's desktop client wich connect to some service it's better to make load test against this service. If you want to make sure that desktop client is OK if server under the load, it can be done with TestComplete: load with LoadUI and client responsibility with TestComplete,


    If you goal to understand whih hardware resources (memory, CPU or something else) are overloaded, some SmartBear products (at least LoadUI, and TestComplete) can display such counters during the test run.


    For the understanding that something works not worse when in previous run (to catch the performance degradations) we use internally TestComplete. The POC is: TestComplete do execute some tests, store the time of the execution, after some time developers make some changes and we run tests again - it we do not have degradation, we are happy  :smileywink: . This approach can be applied with Web and Desktopn and also can be combined with load testing.