Not able to find the nodes object when tried to read xml file
Hello all, I try to read a xml file. I get the DOM Doc object, but I can't get node or nodes list by using any method or property. Here is the code:
def GetDomDocFromXML(fileLocation):
domObj = Sys.OleObject["Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0"]
domObj.async = False
# Report an error, if, for instance, the markup or file structure is invalid
if domObj.parseError.errorCode != 0:
s = "Reason:\t" + Doc.parseError.reason + "\n" + "Line:\t" + aqConvert.VarToStr(Doc.parseError.line) + "\n" + "Pos:\t" + aqConvert.VarToStr(Doc.parseError.linePos) + "\n" + "Source:\t" + Doc.parseError.srcText
# Post an error to the log and exit
Log.Error("Cannot parse the document.", s)
return domObj
def CheckCytovilleModeTableFile():
dict = {}
path = PathPrefix + "FluidicsdModeTable\\CytovilleModeTable.xml"
doc = GetDomDocFromXML(path)
rootNode = doc.documentElement
nodes = rootNode.childNodes
I've tried selectSingleNode, getElementsByTagName, none of them work.
Log picture is in attach file.
I combine these two function together. The problem is fixed, but I don't know why.