The 'Object not found' error for NameMapped/Aliased objects in almost all cases originates from one of those cases:
-- Values of the properties used to NameMap the object are not stable. To correct this you must compare existing set of properties/values used in NameMapping with their values for the actual object and edit NameMapping so that the object can be identified stably and uniquely;
-- Object does not exist at the moment when test code attempts to use it. In this case you need to wait long enough to let the object appear. .WaitAliasChild() method usually works well in this case;
-- The object was recreated by page script code as a result of either Ajax request or data refresh. In this case you need to get the object again.
Consider when the problem occurs in your test code and what from the above may be the reason for it and correct test code/NameMapping appropriately.