Forum Discussion

jbcmt's avatar
Occasional Contributor
13 years ago

Namemapping file management

I am currently building the namemapping file for one of our AUTs.  I just started with a small section of the app, and the file is already over 20 MB in size.

1.  What is the max size the namemapping file can be?

2.  What is the optimal size I should aim for before taking a performance hit?

3.  Are there any "best practices" for namemapping management?



3 Replies

  • Hi Jeremy,

    While mapping objects, TestComplete can store information about methods and properties of the objects. The stored information makes it easier to modify tests and add new test operations: you will be able to see the list of object methods and properties in keyword test operation editors and Code Completion even if your tested application is not running at the moment.

    To specify the level of the details to be stored, you can use the Store Code Completion information option. If this option is set to Full, TestComplete will save the complete list of methods and properties of the objects that will be added to Name Mapping. It can be useful when developing new tests. However, this may result in a large size of the Name Mapping file (as in your case) and, therefore, large memory consumption by TestComplete. To avoid the issue, use the Brief or None option instead.

  • jbcmt's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    This will help keep the size down, but it didn't answer my 3 questions.

  • Hi,

    1.  What is the max size the namemapping file can be?

    There are no special limitations.

    2.  What is the optimal size I should aim for before taking a performance hit?

    The optimal size of name mapping files depends on the test where the mapped objects are used. Of course, if the files are big, TestComplete may consume a lot of memory. However, we will improve the situation significantly in the next major version of TestComplete.

    3.  Are there any "best practices" for namemapping management?

    I recommend that you watch the 'Creating Reliable Tests For Dynamic Objects with Name Mapping' screencast that will help you understand the Name Mapping functionality better: