Forum Discussion

Test56's avatar
14 years ago

Maximize,Minimize,Close etc. option for Java Tab

I am using TC 8.2 . I have a java based application to test which has Tab control. For the tab control we have Minimize and Maximize symbol shown at the right top end. Please find the pic attached. The attached pic is taken from eclipse IDE but the application also have same implementation of tabs. Can we have some actions like Minimize,Maximize,Close,Restore for these tabs?

Full Name : Sys.Process("Process").SWTObject("Shell", "Application").SWTObject("Composite", "", 3).SWTObject("Composite", "", 3).SWTObject("Composite", "").SWTObject("CTabFolder", "", 10)

JavaFullClassName : org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabFolder

JavaClassName : CTabFolder

WndClass : SWT_Window0

Name :  SWTObject("CTabFolder", "", 10)

3 Replies

  • Hi,

    You can try using native methods of your control to perform the needed actions in the way you'd do this inside your application.

    Also, you can perform coordinate-based clicks on these buttons.
  • Thanks for the reply but since this object is CTabFolder, this doesn't have any native method of maximize, minimize or close as what we have for any window object. Coordinates will not work for my case as once we maximize it , the coordinates might change . Any other option or can you guys add support of maximize , minimize or close method for this kind of Object ?
  • Hi,

    Coordinates should always work in the same way if you don't hardcode them. Instead, take your window's Width and count the X coordinate relative to it. The Y coordinate will always be the same, or its value will not change much.