Forum Discussion

nebti_nassim's avatar
Occasional Contributor
10 years ago

Map a "popup" window ?

Hi everyone,

I'm currently testing an application and I have a window that goes to exist when we click on a button, however, we don't need to have the mouse on this window for it to stay open.

So here what I want to do is map the objects inside this popup window, but when I use the "Map Object from Screen" to do so, I can't. 

I'm currently using the Point and fix option, but since Testcomplete minimize himself before the pointing and restore itself after the pointing, my window disapear during the time between the pointing and TC to restore itself.

I noticed that when I use the UI Spy, the window of the Spy overlap my window where I search for object, this overlapping allow me to capture all the properties from my popup without having her to disappear because TC windows restore herself.

So my question is, does we have a trick to map those popup objects ? Can we use the map tool as the same way my UI Spy behave itself ? 

Thanks for the help,
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