Forum Discussion

MW_Didata's avatar
Regular Contributor
3 years ago

Make log entry Bold

Does anyone know if you can make half of a log entry Bold and the other half normal?

I know how to make a full entry Bold, but I also want the first half of the entries after that to be Bold:

ex: "Artikel_ongeacht_voorraad: kan actie niet uitvoeren, zoals verwacht. (OK) [3]"

Basically just to increase readability.

  • You can bold a line of text, but not a word.


    Would using Log.AppendFolder() help?


  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    You can bold a line of text, but not a word.


    Would using Log.AppendFolder() help?


    • MW_Didata's avatar
      Regular Contributor

      SBegley  rraghvani 

      I know how to make a full entry Bold.

      So if I understand correctly, having half of a log enrty Bold and the other half normal is not possible?

      but splitting them in 2 would be the way to do it?


      Splitting them in 2 would probably make it less readable. I'll just have to live with the way it is now. 🙂

      Thanks for the help guys.