Forum Discussion

John_Laird's avatar
9 years ago

issue using dictionary

I having issues with using dictionaries in TC12 (python). When I add a key/value pair and then attempt a lookup via the key, I always get None (aka null). To be more specific, here is my script:


def ParsePropValForCSV(propvalList):
  csvPropValDict = Sys.OleObject["Scripting.Dictionary"]
  for propvalLine in propvalList:
    splitline = propvalLine.split(',')
    if splitline[0] == "CSV":
      propname = str(splitline[1])
      propval = str(splitline[2])
      csvPropValDict.Add(propname, propval)
  blah = csvPropValDict.Item["Prop_File"]
  return csvPropValDict

Through the use of breakpoints I have confirmed that propname has the string "Prop_File" and propval has the string "$$Source.Name$$_$$Meter.ObjectName$$_$$Archive.TypeName$$.csv". The problem is that 'blah' (which should reference the value for key "Prop_File") is always None. Can't figure out why.



At first I attempted to use Python dictionary syntax but that did not work so I went to this article thinking it would work (no joy):


I must be doing something wrong here just can't pin it down. Suggestions?

  • Hi John,





    propvalLine.split(', ')  # note the space

    Your propvalLine contains spaces after commas -- "CVS, PropFile, ..." so if splitting just by commas the key ends up being " PropFile" (with a leading space) instead of "PropFile".


    Alternatively, consider using Python's built-in CSV reader, which can handle delimiters and extra spaces for you:

    import csv
    with open('C:\myfile.csv') as csvfile:
      reader = csv.reader(csvfile, skipinitialspace = True)
      dict = { line[1]: line[2] for line in reader if line[0] == 'CSV' }
    Log.Message( dict['PropFile'] )
  • HKosova's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi John,





    propvalLine.split(', ')  # note the space

    Your propvalLine contains spaces after commas -- "CVS, PropFile, ..." so if splitting just by commas the key ends up being " PropFile" (with a leading space) instead of "PropFile".


    Alternatively, consider using Python's built-in CSV reader, which can handle delimiters and extra spaces for you:

    import csv
    with open('C:\myfile.csv') as csvfile:
      reader = csv.reader(csvfile, skipinitialspace = True)
      dict = { line[1]: line[2] for line in reader if line[0] == 'CSV' }
    Log.Message( dict['PropFile'] )
    • John_Laird's avatar

      Problem resolved! Changed code to truncate leading spaces. Always the simple stuff that gets overlooked and magnified. Thanks to both of you. Revised code if anyone else has the same issue:


      def ParsePropValForCSV(propvalList):
        csvPropValDict = Sys.OleObject["Scripting.Dictionary"]
        for propvalLine in propvalList:
          splitline = propvalLine.split(',')
          if splitline[0] == "CSV":
            propname = str(splitline[1]).lstrip(' ')
            propval = str(splitline[2]).lstrip(' ')
            csvPropValDict.Add(propname, propval)
        blah = csvPropValDict.Item['Prop_File']
        return csvPropValDict
  • sanjay0288's avatar
    Frequent Contributor


      Please change this line of your code  blah = csvPropValDict.Item["Prop_File"] to


    blah = csvPropValDict.Item[propname]




    blah = csvPropValDict.Item['Prop_File']


    • sanjay0288's avatar
      Frequent Contributor


      John_Laird Please find my comments


        Please change this line of your code  blah = csvPropValDict.Item["Prop_File"] to


      blah = csvPropValDict.Item[propname]




      blah = csvPropValDict.Item['Prop_File']