Forum Discussion

richard_mischle's avatar
Occasional Contributor
13 years ago

Issue getting Scheduled Task to run Project Suite on VM or Remote Desktop


I have set up a scheduled task to kick off our project suite ever night at 4am as it is taking too long for me to manually kick it off during the day.

The Task Scheduler is set to run from this location:

"C:\Program Files\Automated QA\TestComplete 8\Bin\TestComplete.exe" 

"C:\TestComplete\TestSuite.pjs" /r /e /silentmode

When the task kicks off I can see that the task manager is running Test Complete as well as the tested application but can't see anything happening (it looks like it's all occurring in the background). I have to end the processes to get them to stop because they never close. I also do not see any logs to tell me what happened, but I know that it is not working b/c I do not see any test data in the tested application.

I have tried this on Remote Desktop as well as Virtual Machine and get the same result. Any help on this would be appreciated?

Thank you,


2 Replies

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Hi Richard,

    The case is that usually scheduler service is running under System account which does not have its desktop and thus applications running on behalf of System account have no place where to show their user interface. Likewise, TestComplete started by the scheduler service running on behalf of the System account will start using System credentials and without accessible desktop. Due to this, TestComplete will be able to run tests, execute all actions that do not require user interface (e.g. start/stop service, do WMI calls, copy files, etc.) and start tested applications, but OS will prevent the tested application from showing its GUI and because of this TestComplete will not be able to emulate end-user actions just because of absence of the user interface. Just to be clear - the above behavior is not TestComplete's limitation, but the behavior of the OS.

    You may consider starting scheduler service on behalf of the user that is logged-in into the test computer, so that OS can attach TestComplete to the existing user's desktop and provide it with GUI support.

    I also recommend you to go through the help section.
  • richard_mischle's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Thank you! That worked. The user that was set to login was under the system domain instead of the machine domain. So I changed it from "Domain\User" to "TestMachine\User" and now it kicks off and sees the GUI.