Forum Discussion

cam_farineau's avatar
8 years ago

Improve TestComplete performance



We want to improve the performance of TestComplete. By switching from TC11 to TC12, we improved by 25% the overall time of execution of our test suite (from nearly 10h to 7h15).


But since mid December, we have lost 1h. Does anyone already had a such issue with TestComplete 12 ? Losing performance without any change ?


In our way to improve perfomance, we want to switch from JScript to Javascript. All of our script are in JScript, does switching to Javascript will increase the performance ?


Most of our tests are Keywords Tests. Is it possible that converting these Keywords Tests to Scripts will improve performance too ?


Thanks for your help.

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    Performance changes can be related to a number of factors not limited to TestComplete alone. If the AUT has changed, that could impact performance as TC might need to interact in different ways.  If you're using the "extended find" feature of NameMapping, that can impact performance as TC may need to do more work to find specific items.  Adding more tests, obviously, will make a test project run longer as it needs to execute more stuff.  The overall architecture of whatever framework you are using with your tests could impact performance.  Writing more log entries, more event handlers... LOT'S of factors.  so, to give you one particular thing or even a particular list is a bit difficult as it really depends a lot upon your implementation.


    There have been mixed results of changing from JScript to JavaScript.  Some people have experienced a performance degradation, some have not.