How to make recognition index generic?
Hi all,
I am using a keyword driven descriptive framework. All the recognition are kept in an external file like notepad, excel etc.
Here i have a recognition of a window object as follows:
Sys["Process"]("SmAlloc")["Window"]("Afx:*", "Production * - IO-Allocation", 1)["Window"]("AfxMDIFrame110u", "", 1)["Window"]("SysListView32", "", 1)
Sys["Process"]("SmAlloc")["Window"]("Afx:*", "Production * - IO-Allocation", 2)["Window"]("AfxMDIFrame110u", "", 1)["Window"]("SysTreeView32", "", 1)
In the above two recognition, you can see the index of the ("Afx:*", "Production * - IO-Allocation", 1) has changed from 1 to 2.
How to make this generic so that i do not have to use two different recognition.
Sys["Process"]("SmAlloc")["Window"]("Afx:*", "Production * - IO-Allocation", 2)["Window"]("AfxMDIFrame110u", "", 1)["Window"]("SysTreeView32", "", 1)
Can you try like this,
Sys["Process"]("SmAlloc")["Window"]("Afx:*", "Production * - IO-Allocation")["Window"]("AfxMDIFrame110u", "", 1)["Window"]("SysTreeView32", "", 1)