Forum Discussion

SangeetNenwani's avatar
4 years ago

How to jump to different subgroup for testing in the case of timeout? or timeout on subgroup?

I am working on a project with many test cases and many groups and subgroups. some test cases are dependent on other test cases of subgroup. I would like to have timeout on subgroup so i can skip whole subgroup? or if it is not possible then timeout on test item and i can jump to next group to continue testing. If i use timeout event I am either able to skip that testcase or whole testing, but i want to skip or jump that test subgroup

    • SangeetNenwani's avatar

      Hello vinniew 

      I have already seen that. But In some cases, one test case is affecting 4,5 subgroups containing many test cases. If I stop only that test case, then every test case will have to wait still its timeout, that are affected by previous one test case. It could take hours. 

  • Hi SangeetNenwani 


    You can configure this on an item by item basis. 

    Instead of using Groups can you use Test Items/Child Test Items ? 


    From reading both posts that should work for you. 


    Let me know 





    • SangeetNenwani's avatar

      Hey vinniew 

      It is almost impossible to change every group/subgroup into test item and child test item. It might take months to whole team to rework that thing.
      I am looking for solution in current group/subgroup and test item condition. So in the case of error or timeout, I can skip that subgroup or jump to other test group to execute tests

      • AlexKaras's avatar
        Champion Level 3



        > skip that subgroup or jump to other test group 

        Alas, no way. (Though similar feature request was created quite long ago).

        The only thing that is possible to configure is to stop current test and continue with the next sibling.