13 years agoContributor
How to get the event logs into the file?
Hi, i would like to get all events log into any of the log file. but i could not find the way to do can you please some one advice me on the same... I am using C# scripting
- 12 years agoIf I understand your request correctly, one way to handle this would be to define a GeneralEvent for "OnLogEvent" and have it output the Message text and Additional text fields to your secondary test file.
I'm familar mostly with VBscripting but it should give you the gist.
Sub GeneralEvents_OnLogEvent(Sender, LogParams)
Dim sPath
Dim FileInf
Dim TimeStamp
Dim MsgTxt
Dim AddTxt
'Prep for logging to file
sPath = ProjectSuite.Variables.logPath
Set FileInf = aqFileSystem.GetFileInfo(sPath)
TimeStamp = aqConvert.DateTimeToFormatStr(aqDateTime.Now,"%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
'Get the content of Message Text
MsgTxt = LogParams.MessageText
'Get the content of Additional Text
AddTxt = LogParams.AdditionalText
'Write these values to the log file
Call FileInf.WriteToTextFile(TimeStamp & vbTab & MsgTxt & vbTab & AddTxt & vbCrlf, aqFile.ctANSI, False)
End Sub