Forum Discussion

Al2's avatar
Occasional Contributor
5 years ago

How to get a Database table into an object (2D Array may be), and read the data



I'm running a UI tests which fetches data continuously from a DB table. This table has 10000 rows and 20 columns.

Test continuously fetches the data, and uses if for modifications, and many column values get updated. It goes thru three iterations, and in each iteration column values get changed.


The problem I'm facing: The way I'm fetching these values in an object takes significant time(~ 2 hours) to get all these values into an object (10000 rows x 20 Columns  = 200,00 cells) because each value is being fetched individually. 


What I really need help with is, a way to fetch the whole data table into an object (may be an array), and then be able to read each cell(row, column) value buy using the combination of columnname and row Indicator e.g. Column_Name.row[0] and also much quicker(Within 5 minutes range).


The records fetched from this snippet are being pushed into another array to have a table like object. 


function dbRecordToObject(record) {
  var returnValue = {};
  try {
    if(!record.EOF) {
      for(var i = 0; i < rec.Fields.Count; i++ ) {
        returnValue[record.Fields.Item(i).Name] =  record.Fields.Item(i).Value == null ? "" : aqString.Trim(record.Fields.Item(i).Value);
    else {
      Log.Warning("Empty record set"); 
  catch(err) {
    Log.Warning("Error : " +err.message);
  finally {
    return returnValue;



Any help would be appreciated!


Thank you




  • Ok, i'd done two posts because you asked about two things if i understood correctly.


    First post is about transforming linear data in 2D array.

    Use google translate to translate the documentation because i made effort to document then make the effort to translate  😁

    And getTokenBySeparator take a token from a string, using a separator to find tokens ... 😂


    Second post is about, root cause of your problem, speed.

    If you look the second post, the speed problem could be resolved simply, call the set.GetRows() instead of navigating into ADO result set, so it would be:




    let set         = conn.Execute_(exeQuery); 
    let elementList = [];        
    if ((set != null) && (set.RecordCount != 0))
      elementList = set.GetRows().toArray();
    return elementList;



    What you do was to browse Ado result set one by one to rebuild an array instead of fetching all data directly, so it's very slow.


    Some info on GetRows() is here:


    BTW try to implement error management and connection established waiting as it is in my code. Your code will be robust and in case of errors you can know where and what.


    And don't put comment on trivial things (e.g. // Declare an array) or // Closing connection), comments are for advanced technical or algorithm points.


    I invite you to take a glance to this post about method writing:



  • BenoitB's avatar
    Community Hero

    Perhaps my function can help you ..  You have to adapt it to your input  but after ou acces data as array named from column. Just look at the logic.


    Please post your work in feedback if it works.


       * <a id="system.stringToNamedArray"></a>
       * Transformer une chaîne de couples clés/valeurs en tableau nommé de nom clé et avec les lignes de valeurs
       * @function
       * @author Biache Benoit
       * @memberOf qa.system
       * Param {string} Donnees - Données à transformer
       * Param {boolean} [Normalize = false] - <b>true</b> alors effectue un trim des données et sur le nom du tableau le passe en majuscule
       * Param {string} [Separator = ";"] - Caractère séparateur des couples clé/Valeur
       * Param {string} [ValueSeparator = "="] - Caractère séparateur de la clé et de la Valeur
       * @returns {object} Renvoie <b>result.error == ""</b> si la fonction s'est exécutée sans erreur<br> et <b></b> contient les données et <b>result.count</b> contient le nombre de lignes obtenues
       * Si la fonction a échoué alors la valeur de l'erreur est dans <b>result.error</b> et un log de warning est créé
      qa.system.stringToNamedArray = function(Donnees = null, Normalize = false, Separator = ";", ValueSeparator = "=") {
        var FunctionResult = { data  : [],
                               count : 1,
                               error : "" };
        try {
          if (Donnees == null)
            throw Error("Le paramètre obligatoire Donnees n'est pas renseigné.")
          var fields;
          var temp;
          temp = qa.system.getTokenBySeparator(Donnees, FunctionResult.count, Separator);
          while (temp != "") {
            fields = temp.split(ValueSeparator)
            if (Normalize) {
              fields[0] = qa.system.trim(fields[0]);
              fields[0] = aqString.ToUpper(fields[0]);
              fields[1] = qa.system.trim(fields[1]);
  [fields[0]] = fields[1];
            temp = qa.system.getTokenBySeparator(Donnees, FunctionResult.count);
        catch(e) {
          FunctionResult.error = qa.system.logExceptionByLevel(e, "qa.system.stringToNamedArray(" + Donnees + ", " + Normalize + ", " + Separator + "," + ValueSeparator + ")", false, "Warning");
          FunctionResult.count = 0;
        finally {
          return FunctionResult;


    If you don't succeed, i can write the proper one but learning is better by doing  ;^)


    • BenoitB's avatar
      Community Hero

      And the easiest way to fetch data from DB is using ADO, something like this (here your Sql command will be your SELECT  * FROM table):


            Connection = ADO.CreateConnection();
            Connection.ConnectionString = ConnectionStr;
            Command = ADO.CreateCommand();
            while (Connection.State == adStateConnecting) {
              i = i + 1;
              if (i > 100) {
                throw Error("Connection not opened within 10s");
            Command.CommandText      = Sql; 
            Command.CommandTimeout   = CommandTimeout;
            Command.ActiveConnection = Connection;
            Results                  = Command.Execute();
            ErrCount = Connection.errors.count;
            if (ErrCount !== 0) {
              for (Err = 0; Err == ErrCount; Err++){
                Err   = Connection.errors.item;
                Error = Error + Err;
              throw Error;
            else {
              if ((Results != null) && (Results.RecordCount !== 0)) {
                FunctionResult.Lines = Results.GetRows().toArray();
              FunctionResult.Count = Results.RecordCount;


      • Al2's avatar
        Occasional Contributor

        BenoitB  Thanks much for providing some insights into this.


        I see that you have a function as an array variable which has a JSON object 'functionResult'. That would store the 'data table' in 'data' array as a value. 'data' gets all the elements from 'temp' object which in turn contains row data separated by commas(,) ?


        I have a few questions. 

        • Are you using the StringToNamedArray anywhere else to fetch the data from the array object after table is loaded into 'data' ?
        • What are these params : Donnes, Normalize referring to ?
        • I'm not so clear about    FunctionResult.Lines = Results.GetRows().toArray();  Lines is not defined in JSON
        • what's the getTokenBySeparator utility doing? 

        I really appreciate your help and the direction you've given. I'm still trying to understand this piece.


        On the other hand, I have another function which has an ADO connection and runs a query. After that it makes a call to the routine:


        This fetches single record at a time and that gets pushed to a set like this: but this is really slow

        var set = conn.Execute_(exeQuery); 
        //declare an array 
          var elementList = [];  
          Log.Message("INFO:   set.EOF is: " +set.EOF);
          if(set.EOF == false){
            //get the result set into the array
          //Closing the connection
          return elementList;



        Thank you
