Forum Discussion

n_v_isaev's avatar
Occasional Contributor
12 years ago

Exclusion from another unit

I use the TC 9 and Jscript


I need to catch exceptions when creating objects

"Stop on exceptions" and "Error dialog" in my project settings is disabled



function Class1(){

  throw new Error(-1,'error');




function test1(){

  try {

    Unit1.Class1();     // it works

    Log.Message('need stored'); 



  catch (err){






function test2(){

  try {

    var object_of_Class1 = new  Unit1.Class1(); // It does not work

    Log.Message('need stored'); 



  catch (err){




In test1 all good

In test2 exception is not caught.

How can I catch the exceptions in test2 case?
  • In my TC (9.1) your code works well, i have the exception caught in test2.

    I've adapted the Class1 like that:

    function Class1()


      try {

        throw new Error('error');



      finally {



  • bbi's avatar
    In my TC (9.1) your code works well, i have the exception caught in test2.

    I've adapted the Class1 like that:

    function Class1()


      try {

        throw new Error('error');



      finally {



  • n_v_isaev's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Maybe you forgot to write in Unit2


    / / USEUNIT Unit1  ?

  • n_v_isaev's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Creepy looking, but working solution:

    What do you think about this?


    function test2(){

      try {

        var object_of_Class1 = eval('new '+Unit1.Class1+'()');

        Log.Message('need stored');     


      catch (err){

        Log.Message('catch ='+err.description);  

